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Using HTTP Files In Visual Studio To Test And Document APIs

Using HTTP Files In Visual Studio To Test And Document APIs

Shivani Singh118 12-Dec-2024

Today, in the process of the constant evolution in the software development industry, it is vital to create and manage APIs, which are the keys for systems to communicate well. Many improvements have been made by incorporating better tools in Visual Studio, and one of the greatest mechanisms it introduced was the utilization of HTTP files for the API testing and documentation.

HTTP files enable developers to examine API endpoints in the actual IDE without the use of tools such as Postman and curl. It also gives programmers a way to document APIs in an iterative fashion, making it easier for cross-team and external audiences to work with APIs.

1. Files, Web Development Tools, HTTP Files, Working with Web Sites in Visual Studio

HTTP files in Visual Studio incorporate the ability to develop organized and end HTTP requests within the IDE. This functionality is quite valuable when using the application during the development of APIs, ensuring consistent behavior. For instance, developers can test different HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and PATCH.

These files can hold sequences of requests, headers, and payloads, which are reusable and easily shareable among team members. This makes them an invaluable tool for collaborative API projects.

For insights into API documentation approaches, check out Using Swagger and OpenAPI with C# to Document Your APIs on MindStick.

Using HTTP Files In Visual Studio To Test And Document APIs

2. Why Use HTTP Files?

HTTP files provide several advantages:

  • Streamlined API Testing: This way, HTTP requests can be placed under version control so that API testing is done without the need for third-party software.
  • Improved Collaboration: Recording the requests at the points of their receipt in the files of HTTP means providing improved information sharing within a team.
  • Interactive Debugging: There are also options to edit a request and test it immediately, thus making it easier to debug.
  • Better Integration: Some examples include that when working within Visual Studio, there is no need to shuffle between different tools to achieve better results.

The integration of Visual Studio with ASP.NET Core Middleware to follow HTTP protocols is also discussed in the article Demystifying HTTP Protocols in .NET Core APIs.

3. Features of HTTP Files

HTTP files support multiple functionalities that enhance the API development process:

a) Organized Request Storage

Common requests can be placed in one file, by endpoints or features, for better separation. This organization enables appropriateness in testing.

b) Heading and Parameter Control

Unlike HTTP files, it is possible to set headers and a query parameter directly in the IDE. For example, you can configure authorization headers in order to test secure endpoints quickly.

c) Environment Configuration

By default, environments like development, staging, and production can be identified in Visual Studio. Sun’s reliable group communication feature makes certain that requests are delivered to the right servers.

d) Response Visualization

The results from the HTTP requests sent are shown individually, with different highlighting for JSON, XML, and other formats.

How to Use HTTP Files for API Testing

Setting Up HTTP Files

Creating HTTP Files: In addition, create a new file in Visual Studio; the file extension should be .http or .rest. This setup guarantees the syntax highlighting in addition to the execution.

Writing Requests: Allow a straightforward format of specifying the endpoints, the headers, and especially request bodies. For instance:

  • GET
  • Authorization: Bearer <token>

Executing Requests

To begin the requests, select the ‘play’ sign at the bottom of the file. The responses, in JSON or XML payload forms with regards to the HTTP POST request, are visible in the IDE.

Integrating with Other Tools

Use Swagger or Postman to couple the HTTP files and compare the results of the testing that has been automated.

Recording APIs With Http Files

Generating Documentation

Contrary to other file types, HTTP files are used in a way that may be defined as executable documentation. The requests give practical usage examples for API endpoints along with headers, parameters, and some example payloads. These files can be shared with teams or other players who have an interest in seeing the information contained in them.

Redundancy in Editing with Annotations

Use comments in HTTP files to mention why and how requests have been made and what specific parameters mean and what results are expected.



  • # Get user details by ID 
  • GET 
  • Authorization: Bearer <token>
Using HTTP Files In Visual Studio To Test And Document APIs

Integration with OpenAPI

In particular, for developers complying with OpenAPI specifications, HTTP files can serve as the extension to automatically generated docs containing live test cases. 

The HTTP files do best practices and a safer way of using the online solution.

  • Organize Requests: Instead of placing all the API endpoints related to a particular group or operation on a similar concept, put them in a single file for easy examination.
  • Automate Testing: Use HTTP files within CI/CD for auto API testing.
  • Use Environment Variables: Use variables to have a consistent environment and less burdened testing between the development, staging, and production environments.

Example of Variable Usage

Define variables at the top of your HTTP file:

  • @base_url = 
  • GET {{base_url}}/users 

Case Study: Real-World Usage

Where API testing and documentation are involved, the HTTP files in Visual Studio have been particularly useful. For instance, a team involved in the production of a weather application applied the HTTP files to check the endpoints of the developed application as well as document the application programming interfaces. These files were used as both a checklist of sorts and an actual manual for third-party developers planning to work with the API.


Using HTTP files in Visual Studio streamlines API testing and documentation workflows. They basically fill the gap between testing and documentation, providing a simple yet versatile solution for developers to incorporate into their projects. In fact, using these HTTP files can improve collaboration, decrease debugging time, and ensure well-documented APIs that are easy to use.

This blog hails the efficiency of HTTP files in modern development and encourages developers to use this powerful feature to enhance productivity and cooperation.

Updated 12-Dec-2024
Being a professional college student, I am Shivani Singh, student of JUET to improve my competencies . A strong interest of me is content writing , for which I participate in classes as well as other activities outside the classroom. I have been able to engage in several tasks, essays, assignments and cases that have helped me in honing my analytical and reasoning skills. From clubs, organizations or teams, I have improved my ability to work in teams, exhibit leadership.

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